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Multi-purpose » Bucas Recuptex Therapy Rug


Bucas has developed a brand new Recuptex Therapy rug which not only prevents numerous medical problems but can also help treat a vast array of ailments such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Muscle soreness
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Muscle tightness
  • Kissing spine

The material is made from an extremely fine stainless steel mesh so acts like a Faraday Shield, reflecting the magnetic fields created inside the body. Preserving these fields stimulates blood circulation and oxygen flow in the horse’s body and back, which heals and reduces both swelling and inflammation and promotes faster healing.

It can be left on your horse 24 hours 7 days a week if necessary but it is advised to slowly increase and monitor the use of the Recuptex Therapy rug when first being used. As the properties in the material helps warm up the muscles sometimes the horse may sweat after long periods of use.

Bucas Recuptex Therapy rug is the ideal choice for treating horses with chronic arthritis or back problems and helps to accelerate the recovery process in a natural protected environment. The new patented Snap-lock magnetic front and internal surcingles keep the rug in place.

The rug can be washed up to 100 times at 30°C and it will still hold its properties, unlike many other therapy rugs currently on the market.

The Recuptex Therapy rug is a trustworthy and highly technological equine rug which no horse should be without.

Disponible en:
  • Taille: 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 155 & 165.

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Prix: 189,00 €

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