
The rubber rope TECHNIC GUM has been designed in a way to meet the normal stress parameters thereby offering maximum material safety. Please bear in mind that a horse depending on its character and due to its powerful movements may develop a carefulness, all the time being fully aware of the risks that may come with the crack of an elastic material that has been stressed beyond its tensile limitations.


Use only the type of rubber rope best suitable for your needs Obey the appropriate direction of attachment and fixing point printed on each end of the rubber rope A stamped-on horse's head on the harness; A stamped-on brick on the solid anchoring point end;

Verify the solidity and resistance of the anchoring point and its support, before you attach the rubber rope; Limit the area of retreat behind the horse to a maximum of 2 metres thus avoiding an elongation and pull which could eventually cause the rupture of the rubber rope; We recommend you to be always attentive towards a replacement of the rubber rope in due time; Take great care not to shock or frighten the attached horse; Never use this product on nervous or bad tempered animals; Never place your body between the horse and the anchoring point, particularly at times when the rope is under tension.

The rubber rope has been especially designed as to the fact that in 97% of the cases the rupture takes place on the end fixed to the animal thus avoiding the rope coming back onto the horse's head.

Always remove the rubber rope first from the horse's side end, never let it dangle from the animal. Also never use the rubber rope as a hand-holding device for the horse.

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