Deals » Bucas Irish Turnout Extra Full Neck


Let your horse enjoy the comfort of the Irish Range of Rugs from Bucas. With protection from wind, rain and cold, your horse is sure to appreciate it! Your horse is sure to enjoy the comfort of an Irish Turnout Rug! Its tough Nylon exterior is waterproof and breathable and has an additional Teflon® outer shield.

• An innovative frontattachment systemfor comfort andease of attachment

• 300g (9oz) ofinsulation with a breathable polyesterlining maintains the horses body heateven well below freezing conditions

What size? What temperature?

Available in:
  • Size: 165.
  • Colour: Black/Gold.

Product variations in stock:

Size Colour Quantity
165 Black/Gold 1

Product variations that are not in stock are generally available within a period of 1 to 3 days.

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Price: €103.96

- 20%

This price includes 21% VAT, possible discount and excludes delivery costs.
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